How to use Voodoo on Ex-Boyfriend 0r Ex Girlfriend


How to use Voodoo on Ex-Boyfriend

How to use Voodoo on Ex-Boyfriend

Do you want help on how to use voodoo on ex-boyfriend? Discover how to start the process of getting back with your ex using a voodoo doll. If you have an ex-boyfriend that you want to get back using voodoo, this is the article you should read to the end. In this article, I will write about an element of one of the most misunderstood religions, voodoo. I am explicitly looking at how to use voodoo on your ex-boyfriend.

Using powerful voodoo on ex-boyfriend can take many means. Because this is a short article, I will focus only on the use of the voodoo doll. The aspect I will look at is how to create the voodoo doll. I will look at using the voodoo doll in other articles later. how to use voodoo on ex-boyfriend.

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Have a Clear Image

If you want to use real voodoo on ex-boyfriend, you will have to train yourself to visualize clearly. During these days of technology, visualizing should not be a difficult thing to do. Go to Facebook or even Google your ex-boyfriend, and you have their latest picture.

Once you have this picture, you are now able to start creating your voodoo doll. However, it’s important to ensure that the voodoo doll resembles the person you want to get back with as possible. This is because voodoo on ex-boyfriend that works fast depends on the connection you create with the person you want to get back with.

Make the Voodoo Doll

Using the best picture that you can get, it’s now time to create the voodoo doll. One way of creating the doll is to do this over the picture of your ex. Cut out your ex’s frame, and then use the frame as the stencil that you will use to create a stuffed doll. how to use voodoo on ex-boyfriend.

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Use Personal Items  

As I have already said, black magic voodoo on ex-boyfriend works well if you can connect the voodoo doll as much as you can to the person you want the magic to work on. This is why you should use as many personal items belonging to the person as possible. They are your ex-boyfriend; indeed, you have some stuff belonging to them with you.

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If you can find your ex-boyfriend’s hair, use it to create the hairline on the voodoo doll’s head.  Make the voodoo doll using the fabric from your ex-boyfriends’ clothes that you still have. This will ensure that your doll represents your ex-boyfriend as much as possible. how to use voodoo on ex-boyfriend

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The Energy Part 

Remember that voodoo doll on ex-boyfriend you have just created consists of materials with different energies. Before casting a spell using this doll, you will need to clear the doll of all those energies.

casting love spells-How to use Voodoo on Ex-Boyfriend

Even though clearing energy from a voodoo doll sounds like a complex thing to do, it is pretty straightforward. Once you are happy with the doll you have created, place your hand over the doll and allow your energy to flow through it. Your aim should be to purify the doll and make it new. This takes away all the confusion, ensuring the doll listens to the instructions you give it. If you want help getting your ex back with voodoo, contact us today.

How to use Voodoo on Ex-Girl friend

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